- Punktoberfest coming up this weekend, October 25 at GSB. Tickets still available. http://www.greatsouthbaybrewery.com/punktoberfest/
- Belmont International Beer Fest Saturday, November 8. greatbeerexpo.com
- Homebrew bottle share at Homebrews & Handgrenades in Baldwin. Thursday Nov 13 @ 7:30pm.
- LIBME Competition:
- Competition Date November 16; last day to drop off entries is November 7. Homebrews & Handgrenades is a drop off spot.
- Entry website: beermalt.net
- Great way to get feedback on your beer by trained BJCP judges.
- Matt will be doing a decoction mash demonstration on Sunday, Nov 2 @ 11AM at Homebrew and Handgrenades. Limited to 12 participants; 4 people have already signed up.
- Next style class will be on Nov 23 @ 1PM at Homebrews and Handgrenades. Styles covered will be English Pale Ales (BJCP Category 8) & Scottish and Irish Ales (BJCP Category 9). Limited to 12 participants; 5 people signed up at the meeting. See the Facebook event or email schuster@gmail.com for more info and to reserve a spot.
- Riverhead trip – both buses filled. Deep waiting list. We are looking at what the next trips should be, and are looking for someone to volunteer as a travel coordinator. Please reach out to one of the club directors (Sam, Pete, TJ or Ken) if you are interested.
- Learn to Homebrew Day is November 1. Free extract brewing clinic will be held at Homebrews and Handgrenades. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/aha-events/learn-to-homebrew-day/aha-lthd-events/?site_id=1801
- Chopped Brew-Off:
- Head-to-head team competition.
- We will select a base beer style and yeast strain. Then randomly pick two adjuncts that each team must use such that the adjuncts are recognizable in the finished beer.
- Beer will be judged by the club according to accuracy to style and taste.
- Teams of 2 – 5 members each, with each team having at least one experienced brewer to act as captain.
- If someone could host more than one team, a social brew day would be great.
- See the Facebook event for more information and to sign up.
- Club library has been started. The books will be held at Homebrews and Handgrenades in Baldwin. First book purchased is Brewing Better Beer by Gordon Strong. Lending periods are two weeks. We will be adding one to two books per month. Let us know if you have suggestions, or if you have books you would like to donate to the library.
- Facebook page use – Please use the HHCBC Facebook page as a social bulletin board. If you are looking to share rides to festivals, are planning to go out to a craft beer bar or brewery, or are brewing soon and wouldn’t mind some company, please let everyone know on Facebook.
- Website – The website is in process. Big thanks to John Soj for setting up the hosting and Glenn Winters for the site and logo design. hhcbc.org or www.HandgrenadesHomebrewClub.com.
- Big thanks to Paul Dlugokencky from Blind Bat Brewery for a great interactive discussion and bringing a couple of great beers! Please make sure you return the love and support Blind Bat!
- Also big thanks to Vince, Bob, and the staff at The Black Sheep Ale House for hosting the meeting and their generous gifts for the club raffle!
- A feedback table was available for members to bring their beer for immediate, interactive and constructive feedback.
- Next meeting is Tuesday, November 18 at Effin Gruven in Bellmore at 7:30PM. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Nassau County Homebrew & Craft Beer Club